Artesian well at Jennings Environmental Education Center (a state park), Pennsylvania. False color IR.

Artesian Well in 590nm

Artesian Well in 590nm

This artesian well is at Jennings Environmental Education Center (a state park). The bold blue where the water is hitting the rocks is actually a bright rusty red in real color. This well has a high iron content. It is probably connected to an abandoned deep coal mine nearby. There is an abandoned-mine-drainage treatment system elsewhere in the park, maybe a 1/4 mile away from this well. This image was taken with an Nikon D70 that has been internally modified to photograph at 590nm and above in the infrared spectrum. I enjoy how this wavelength does nice things to stone. It is also easier to get a deep blue sky, one of the hallmarks of IR false-color photography. You can see the blue sky peaking through the trees behind the fountain.