One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill

I enjoy photographing tree silhouettes. This oak tree stands alone near a new house under construction. It’s actually quite a tall tree, 40 feet or more, towering over the roof of the new house. For some reason it has been spared; perhaps the new homeowner told the builder to save it out of a sense of aesthetics or guilt. But I feel its respite is only temporary. The tall, gangly growth means it was probably one of a small woods that stood here before the house was started. Standing on its own it will be vulnerable to winds. The earth around the tree has been heavily worked, meaning its root system has likely been compromised. A hint of doom can be seen in the bare tips of the branches. The perspective of the picture seems to shrink the tree; it is not longer what it was.

This image has been taken with an infrared sensitive camera, a Fuji IS Pro, and a #25 red filter on a Nikon 18-55mm AF-S VR lens. It was converted to black and white in Aperture. The most dramatic adjustment was to use the green filter among the default black and white presets.

(For those of you keeping tabs, there was no “one picture a day” posted yesterday. For the record I took a pictur, but I decided to not post it publicly.)

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