North Park Boat House Rokinon 8mm, uncorrected

North Park Bloat House

We’re trying the new Rikinon 8mm Fish-eye on architecture. North Park Boat House has been an object of wide angle experimentation several times this year. Here’s the same image, but corrected via PTLens (left). I have the relevant sliders pegged to maximum, and still some distortion remains, but it’s pretty close. For comparison, the second […]

Sox the Cat mans his hallway intersection watch post

Watchman at His Post

Sox the cat prefers to keep his eye on at least two vectors at once. Here he’s at the intersection of the kitchen and the hallway. His field of view is captured by the Rokinon 8mm. It’s supposedly a fish-eye, but it really seems to be more a hybrid between fish-eye and an ultra wide […]

Fall Run's Big Waterfall

Fall Run Waterfalls

Way back last winter, in the early stages of the One Picture a Day challenge, I visited Fall Run. On that day, everything was frozen. Today we are enjoying record warmth. It’s cloudy, but we’ve had lost of rain so the waterfalls are in good shape. I set out today to capture moving water with […]