larger yellow abdomen with red legs spider

Spider in Autumn Color

It’s been a good year for yellow and orange this autumn. Even the spiders are getting into the fall color groove! Meet Araneus marmoreus, commonly called the marbled orb-weaver spider. I found this female (based on the large size) creeping across the forest floor. She was hard to miss. Taken with Nikkor 18-55mm AF-S VR Nikon lens on […]

Cut-leaf Grape Fern on the forest floor

Cut-leaf Grape Fern

Cut-leaf Grape Fern, a not-so-cut variety (Botrychium dissectum var. obliquum).  I post this for the documentary value rather than the aesthetic. I have been on the lookout for this species at the reserve for several years. A couple of years ago I found a single individual in another part of the reserve not all that far […]

Bushytail Seedhead

Bushy-tail Seed

I don’t know the species of grass here. I’ll just describe it as a “bushy-tail.” I’m most excited about the clarity from the sharpness and the backlight. Note that this was taken with a Nikon 18-55mm AF-S VR, a lowly kit lens. Tack sharp. I have no complaints about the optics of my copy. Others […]

Eastern Red Bat, Lasiurus borealis

Red Bat at Rest

I discovered this Eastern Red Bat, Lasiurus borealis, roosting at eye-level in a pin oak on a late October day. I though it was a ball of leaves or a large gall at first. The red bat is migratory. It hibernates as well; not in caves, but rather in hollow trees or even in leaf litter. It […]

Misty pond illuminated by moonlight

Silver Pond

Light from the full moon has turned the misty waters of the pond into a pool of liquid metal. Taken with a Micro-Nikkor 60mm AF on a Nikon D90, propped on a bench, focus on infinity, awesomeness on 11.

Yellow Crabapple

Yellow Crabapple

Fall colors continue. It’s only a crabapple, but does it ever look delicious hanging on the tree, dripping in moisture from this morning’s early fog. I suppose with enough sugar it would be fine; but that applies to most things. Taken with a Micro-Nikkor 60mm AF on a Nikon D90.