Infrared Road

Moving on the Infrared Road

I have acquired a Nikon D70 modified with a 590nm infrared sensor filter. I have passed along my previous Fuji IS-Pro UVIR. I was not really enjoying the UV side; meanwhile, this modified Nikon can cover the infrared side for much less expense. Plus, it does not need an external filter for 590nm, so it is much easier to compose. Another bonus is that it saves in Nikon RAW; Fuji RAW on the IS Pro is not supported in Aperture, a workflow problem for me. I’m looking out for a Nikon D70 modified for 720nm–that external filter is nearly impossible to compose through; an internal filter is going to be much, mucnb easier to use. Even with two cameras, I have significantly less value tied up than in the Fuji UVIR alone. I do lose some megapixels, and may one generation of digital image tech, but I don’t think that’s going to be a significant issue for a hobbyist like myself. For a larger, high res version visit Flickr.

This image was taken from a moving car, on the way home after picking up this Nikon D70. It was post-processed in Aperture, mainly using an SEIM “Silver Grains” present.

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